Calculator: Lead Screw Force Calculator

This calculator will calculate the force applied by the ballscrew as a result of an applied torque.

Calculator: Lead Screw Force Calculator
Axial travel for a single revolution.
Motor Torque (Ncm) Dimensions Shaft Diamter
NEMA 8 4 20mm² 4mm,5mm
NEMA 11 11-13 27mm² 5mm
NEMA 14 9-15 35mm² 5mm
NEMA 17 44-54 42mm² 5mm
NEMA 23 180-300 57mm² 6.35mm
NEMA 34 200-1100 86mm² 14mm
The calculator determine the requried velocity throguh a pipe to achive a desire flow rate.

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This calculator This calculator will calculate the force applied by the ballscrew as a result of an applied torque.

Lead Screw Force Calculator

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